This course teaches me how to elicit student’s idea and to correct any misconception occur which I feel I had achieved it excellently. My perception towards the engage, empower and enhance is this model provides as a suitable learning tool because it makes students to generate their own ideas at the first place. After that, teacher must correct the misconception and lastly makes the students apply the same concept but differ in situation. In implementing this model, teacher must know how to create a situation and decide a suitable experiment to be conducted with the students.
Apart from that, data logging, simulation and modeling also a learning tool kit to make students understand better. Data logging allow us to carry out experiment which cannot be handled by ourselves for example to record the amount of gas released and many others. Simulation can develop higher order of thinking skills because internal or micro process cannot be seen by the naked eye. So, the use of simulation can give students a clear imagination how a process occurs. As for modeling, students can understand better about a theory because all the variables can be changed and be constant. All these learning tool kits can give advantages to students apart from all its advantages. Maybe some schools does not have data logger and maybe some of teachers refuse to use ICT as part of their teaching method.
To overcome these problems, teachers must know how to use and apply ICT during teaching process so that students can understand better and also to create students which posses good quality of thinking.
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